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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Finally F1 has ended. it had been a tiring weekend and i conveniently ponned school on monday which was officially yesterday. oh well.. the F1 duty was kinda boring but i managed to meet new pple and new friends from other zones in sj.. haha. quite glad about that. n i took many pics on sunday nite... think i was kinda affected by the partying mood over there.. although ferrari din win. ferrari really made a grave mistake. shrugs/ i guess my ears did become more 聋!the zooming noise of those formula cars are no joke man! even with ear plugs, i still can hear the loud noise! very bad indeed. sunday i was first-aider cum information counter cum usher cum entertainer. haha. something sucky happened thou... there was this old ang mo who gave me a flying kiss!!!! omg!!! almost died!!!! whyy!!!!! well.. i cant be too rude coz i was in uniform so i just gave a smirk! oh man..
oh well.. and i finally blogged, so hy stop complaining! hahaha. ok photos time!

well.. so bored during the duty and i was extremely sleepy considering that the day b4 the duty ended late and i only got home at 2am. i was holding on to the walkie talkie and listening to that really can be troublesome~

the route for patrol.. i was really bored at the first aid post.. so i decided to sneak out n walk ard.. and ten mins into tat i was called over the comm set to go back~ sian~

me and the formula 1 banner~ i was bored again and walked ard with my friend. hahaa

a photo with the track person! his job scope is to clear the mess on the track asap whenever there's an accident. well.. he's actually a volunteer, a normal office worker and there he was doing his part! apparently they have to undergo strict training for that job! super demanding! i saw their leader scolding them for being late. scary~

okay tats some cars. there are several races in F1. the big shot one of coz is formula 1. this particular pic is the Formula BMW race. the cars are as fast as those formula 1 de. the formula 1 cars are like freaking fast! they look like black dashes like zoom~ 3secs spent on a 500m stretch~

other races include aston martin race(me n bazhang took a pic with the cars as our backgrd, obviously the cars are slow enuff! haha! but it was with a gd cam la. so well..the cars are still fast!), poche race, formula 1 and dunno wat. forgot le.

he's on high stilts!

that's the filming man! one of them actually! haha there are quite a number of them along the tracks! they are always elevated really high up.. like maybe 3rd storey to capture all the cars in action! thanks to them we actually get to watch the races on big screens and on the TV!

okay.. it's like the ice-mountain mineral water is also packaged specially for F1! the worst thing is... this bottle of mineral water.. they are selling it at $3!!!!! other drinks/snacks are much more expensive! i saw this nasi-bryani which was sold at $20!!!!! gosh! very expensive! lucky working personels have free food and drinks!
on saturday, at 12a.m, a few of us(me, xuefang, daphne and audrey) went over to valen's hse! we were worried that she wont be at home, lucky i have vernice's hp no. so i just call her and see if valen's at home! hahaa. gd thing tat she's at home so just gave her a surprise pop-up at her hse! hahaa! chatted and stayed at her hse till 2plus and played with kisses too! yepps. and valen finally has entered the age of the big 2! welcome !~~ Happy birthday again!
alrite. guess i needa slp! there's no sch for me later and on wed!!! whee~ cheers! Dr Adrain lee rocks!!! he cancelled the evening lecture! woohoo~

Saturday, August 09, 2008

just ended the 2-weeks long camp and school is about to start soon!!! like damm sian.. once again i will try to mug as much as possible! valen n daph-ne are gg to mug in school on fridays!!! yay!! finally there will be pple to pei me mug in school!!!!
the camp was relatively fun with all the siao-high pple.. and i really think my freshies are man-re(slow heat-up). well.. damm lazy to type tat much also.. just to show u pple tat i went for a camp, here's a proof!
Chao ta look!!!! and my parents still wanna tempt me with durians despite my hoarse voice (i was called the pai lelio [spoilt radio] in camp!)
i got tan lines!!!! on my arms especially...
Check out the New X-man!!! well... this is like the weirdest tan-lines i ever got! X-man!!!! and if u think that this is retarded enough.. check this out!!!

well.. if u think that houying(with her short hair) has a mushroom head.. think again.. who is more obvious?! muahahahhaa

ok. i think i am really retarded. but well..lazy to post so much oso. thats all i'm gonna say.. and last but not least.. i love my OG seniors!!!(thou not all..*tink tink*)

Monday, July 28, 2008

had a meeting in the afternoon and we celebrated josiah's birthday at yanto's house. well.. i must say i was really busy calling up my freshies for the sow camp and din join them for the SWINE game. well.. afterall, i am the Swine queen what.. kept losing in the game. haha!
yanto baked a cake for josiah.. and yepp.. he tried his best yesterday!

hahha... well.. i offered my place to let them bake and guess what, i am a super hazard! i am even clumsy in my own house! haha. almost killed everyone with some electrical things that i was tampering with... but well.. at least i arga arga know how to bake a cheese cake, kept reminding yanto to stir n wipp in one single direction. it was a hilarious nite thou with all the cake baking and the playing of SWINE! hahaha.

had a lunch with the sj pple and NA was really sweet!!! they got me a nice poster thingy and i was really touched!! haha. n the best thing is.. they have a riddle for me to solve to find the hidden msg!!! n well.. as u pple noe.. i am so smart.. of coz i got it! hehee. here's a peek at the prezzie.

haha!! yepp!!! nice hor!? so sweet rite these gals! hahaa. cute!

went supper with zupper gang just now.. haha..been meeting them quite a lot these days. john n lut came to pick me up at tamp and i pei them for dinner.. afterwhich we head towards E! hub arcade, hoping to play COMBATWAR( a shooting game). it's a damm nice game la but the screen was spoilt..so we cant play.. super sad.. but well.. we played other games la.. n the ghost game made us so tired..coz we had to really exercise our triceps like mad! but it was fun! and ya.. tat steffie ps us!! denzil drove us to bedok 85 for supper and well, the 4 of us will be the future NUS lunch gang liao..

well... gg to be stuck in sow camp for the next 2 weeks but i think i will enjoy the camp!!

go watch We Got Married le.. damm nice! woohoo~

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Oh man.. i am finally blogging this week.
tues to thurs: chalet with zupper gang!
it was really fun and i realised that it was the smallest chalet group i've ever been to! gosh! we are always so ready to entertain each other!!! haha.
first day: bowling in the morning and i went there to learn how to bowl! my scores are very very lousy! but oh well..i had great laughs at the guys trying to learn how to HOOK! (technically, it's a bowling method). they became great "hookers" and i was the "ma-ma-san". haha.
next was yummy lunch at our favourite FOODCOURT! well.. it's like budget eating lah. we are supposed to go for wild wild wet but it was closed on tues so like damm sad.
come next was arcade games!!!! we played this whack ghost game! it was damm TIRING! my arms were aching after tat but it's a funny game.
we played this drum game tat is super cheena-piong but it was really fun!!! and well.. we suspected that denzil secretly plays this arcade game all the time! den we had like the usual daytona, bishi bashi... and this shooting game that has 4 comrades in a war, fighting tgt and get the highest rank blah blah.. hahaha!
well..we had para para too.. and i was rusty.. stef looks ok.. lut was making prata but quite funnie oso.. johnson was hitting insects or something..denzil was in his mambo mode.. guess he can only dance mambo!
had our drinking mahjong..but it only ended at xi feng coz lut n john cmi liao..well.. decided to just slp and wasted our nite away... (hai..to think we bought so much mixer n sushi n cup noodle).
day 2:
woke up at 12 plus?! i woke them up at 11 plus to get their butts up to return the mahjong table if not penalty sia! well.. gd thing that denzil n lut were able to wake up..they managed to return in time and helped us make cup noodles! i was aching on my left arm.. coz i was lying on it the entire nite.. dare not move too much coz after all we are all sharing beds. ate and washed up and we headed to the arcade again! haha. played the same games we played. well.. not tat bad!
john n lut went for jap lesson and denzil went home to change.. stef and i had the whole place to ourselves! damm shiok! i took a short nap and i felt really lazy but i guess i had no choice but to wake up... we went off to club at O bar at nite. well.. i tried much more different drinks this time and i found some really nice ones. had to take care of a few of them coz they went high n drunk but oh well.. quite an experience.. guan yin ma came to join us too! too bad dap n valen nv come.
day 3:
well..din slp at all from day 2 nite till day 3 morning. chatted until we got hungry, joanne,myself, lut and john walked from costa sands to pasir ris central to makan. n i saw kylie on bus 12 on the way back to the chalet.. but she totally din see me! she was in a total daze!!!!! gosh!! so blurr! hahaa. went home in cab again! like.. sian.. but no choice.. my mahjong tiles are killing me!
slept for like 7 hours b4 i woke up on day 3 to prepare myself to go out.. supposed to take the sg flyer with my juniors but got last min changes. but nvm, i have my BFFs who asked me in the evening for dinner! met up with them and we chatted! i always enjoy my time with them! went off to giant to shop! haha. bought quite alot of stuff! happy~
somehow the Giant advert song was stuck in my head for damm long during our shopping trip.. it goes like.."giant variety, giant savings..." gosh! siao liao! just went to meet up the sj pple and we had fun making fun of stanley and his unglam self today. super not him! hahaha. but it was funny la. and well.. as usual.. mahjong! i won a bit of my cab fare.. so i guess not so bad after all.. but yepp! i will see them tml again for lunch! hahaah! well..guess i typed enuff to entertain my supporters! hahaah!!! nitesz!
Sunday, July 20, 2008

this was taken in the sci club room, was playing with wei kit's fake specs! damm cool lah the specs. and my usual tweety-bird look!
haven blogged for a long time. it was a really busy week last week. after sj national comp, i was busy with sow prep camp and i tell u man.. it's fun! too bad i was a little sick..if not i will enjoy myself more during the prep camp. i must say that the programmes are much better planned this year compared to last year!!! so i am really looking forward to the actual camp!!!
will be real busy soon and here's my schedule:
22 to 24 july: Zupper gang chalet (gonna be so dead during it! hahaha. )
25 to 28 july: one of the days is to go batam and i needa get more shorts for the camp!!!
29july to 2 aug: Sow first stayover (alot of barang barang to bring!!!!!)
2, 4, 5 aug: must go to sch to bring freshies to rag, flag n freshmen inaug.
6 to 8 aug: second stayover for sow!
11 aug: official start of school!!!!!!(argghhhh)
oh well..i guess i am really destined to be L club president! hahaha. it's lke this. L club was formed like a few months back and just this prep camp den i realised that my sow og is called L too!!!! muahahaha!!! futhermore, i am the ogl of my og.. so yepp. that really further binds my affinity with L! hahaha i can say the same for my members such as my hr daph-ne, my RO valen and my member houying! now my L club is more established with this sow, i shall recruit more members! hahaha.
that day, met up with sandra and ah fang for dinner. daph-ne and i were like sleeping on our way there and thank goodness we took the bus that terminates at habourfront, if not god noes where we will travel till.. think we were too tired from work, camp and prep for sow, but i guess being busy is good too! hahaha.
oh well.. i haven got my prep camp pics so i shall wait until i get them den i will blog abt them. got alot of dumb pics!! oh well.. as usual with me ard~ ahhaha
Friday, July 11, 2008

phew~ what a tiring week. After my meiji job last sunday, i had a really packed week.. i have sj trainings basically everyday and well.. at nite i will go for mahjong and to chill and movies with my friends. and for the next few days will be worse.. but oh well..i am enjoying myself! haha. prep camp is coming and i really hope tat it will be fun. guess it will be with siao pple like
daph-ne and joanne.. they are really best friends and are really CRAZY! hahahha!!!
met up with ah fang, daph-ne and sand-ra today! ahaha.. had dinner at kim gary vivo city and it was a treat by ah fang! hahahaa. she had used her first pay from A*Star!!! heehe!!! Thanks alot ah fang! and well... we had weird fetish of taking pics in the toilets and the following are some of the ugly faces we made! hahahah

muahahha!!! as usual i have many unglam pics of myself again! it is just me lah!!! hahahhaha.. and both daphne and sandra will understand why i typed their names with dashes in-between! hahaa. inside joke.

anyway, really hope that those kids will jiayou and work very hard for the remaining trainings and chiong for National comp! hope they will not have any regrets after the comp. i will try my best to train oso! so all of us jiayou!!!

hope ah fang will enjoy her job more n more and hope our prep camp will be a success! haha! and woohoo!! class chalet tml!!!!! and Squad 14 is full attendence again! heee! //proud// i will be bringing vcds and mahjong set.. hhahaa.. quite a bit to carry. but oh well..okok la.

kk.. i shall go watch some shows le!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

phew~ been busy working for the past few days.. money has never been easy to make.. talked and stood for the whole day.. well.. all i can say is that it's really tiring to be a promoter! the thing is.. how can anyone tahan to be a permanent promoter?! so tirinG~ gosh!!!
kept having suppers and stuff.. getting fatter and fatter!!! shall try my best not to eat so much... //shrugs//
anw, kiap and i went to watch "10 promises to my dog".... oh man.. u should see how much we cried.. we cried from the start of the show till the end!!!! the show made me think of my ex-dog..hai... seriously very sad..
here's a picture of our cui look after watching the movie!
check out the puffy and red eyes!!!! muahahahaha! we are 2 哭包 sia.. cried like mad.. and from the looks of it rite.. we suspect we were the only ones who had actually cried until so jialat.. gosh! oh well.. hope my eyes tml wont be puffy anymore.. if not who will buy collagen from me sia. hahaa!